In the game Football Mates, teams are divided into leagues each consists of 16 teams. These teams are predetermined and does not change. In every league there are 30 match days and each day total of 8 matches are played. Time of matches differ for each team day to day and in the end each team plays with every other team in the league total of two times, once as the home team which grants them %5 progression boost and once as a visitor team.
Each match can be accessed 48 hours beforehand and players can spin cards during this time. Ater this period when the match time hits these matches will turn to what we call live matches [live matches link]. Every match has 11 lines and each line is assigned to one or two (depending on team’s player count) players. Your progression gifts, super goal progression gifts will effect only the line you are assigned to same goes for you defence and finisher skill.